Club Rules and Policies
The UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport. Every club, club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct.
The purpose of a code is to clarify:
what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable
standards of practice expected
the basis for challenging and improving practice.
The codes are therefore a guide for individuals and clubs to think about, and monitor, how they, and others, conduct themselves in their roles.
The codes let everyone know what they can expect from the club, coaches and volunteers, but also what standard of behaviour is expected from club members, athletes and parents/carers.
Upon joining and at renewal, all club members will be deemed to have accepted the Code(s) and to endorse and subscribe to the principles and responsibilities embodied in them.